Campbell-Walsh Urology Books

Campbell-Walsh Urology  books Collection

Campbell-Walsh Urology 4 Volumes, 11th Edition 2015 By Alan J. Wein, MD, PhD (Hon), FACS, Louis R. Kavoussi, MD, MBA, Alan W. Partin, MD, PhD and Craig A. Peters, MD - 4168 pages – 235 MB
Internationally lauded as the preeminent text in the field, Campbell-Walsh Urology continues to offer the most comprehensive coverage of every aspect of urology. Perfect for urologists, residents, and practicing physiciansalike, this updated 4-volume set highlights all of the essential concepts necessary for every stage of your career, from anatomy and physiology through the latest diagnostic approaches and medical and surgical treatments.

"This comprehensive book is well written and well illustrated. Because it includes the newest research and techniques, it accurately reflects the ever-evolving field of urology. This new edition is a must have for urologists at every stage of their careers." Reviewed by Kelly Healy, MD (Thomas Jefferson University) 5 star Doody Rating!
Key Features
 Algorithms, photographs, radiographs, and line drawings illustrate essential concepts, nuances of clinical presentations and techniques, and decision making.
 Key Points boxes and algorithms further expedite review.
 Features hundreds of well-respected global contributors at the top of their respective fields.
 Four-volume set serves as a series of comprehensive mini-textbooks on every major subject in urology.

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